"I can tell you've found a voice…I look forward to reading you entire." (Gore Vidal)

”Lemon Gulch is a thoroughly charming novel. Write more!”
(Michael Cunningham, 1999 Pulitzer Prize winner for ”The Hours”)

"...a minor magic happened...I saw -- I felt -- real 'literature' emerge…a quite idiosyncratic fresh-minted, unique stamp of style...last I heard, that was Literature." (Brian Kevin Beck, University of Wisconsin)

"...a book that starts on a truly melodic minor key and soars into the idiosyncratic world with the kind of candor that few of us dare attempt...a masterful work. (Solomon Glushak, Entertainment lawyer, New York)

"I laughed aloud at some of the Malapropisms, childish misconceptions of words only heard by a precocious twelve-year-old, the cleverly elliptic descriptions, and of course the sexual fantasies…accomplished within the limitations imposed by the choice of a child narrator... Bravo! (Nicholas Kepros, New York, stage and film actor)

”…a kind of gay Huckleberry Finn in a very different guise… weird enough and consistent enough to have its own logic and momentum” (Ann Boston, Writer, Editor, London)

”Danny’s self-awareness is so disarming that you end up loving him… the end is a beautiful fairy tale.” (Turlough Johnston, book editor)

”…much of the book’s humor derives from the naive employment of this new-found vocabulary…the book is a gem.” (Gay Times July 2000)

” Danny starts creeping in to your thoughts and reveries…he works his way into your concern and compassion.” (Keith Richards, Radio Drama producer, Australia)